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Italgraniti Group publishes the sustainability report 2021

The first edition of the document with which the Group will report every year to its stakeholders on its economic, social and environmental performance has been published.

Elisa Giacobazzi CEO Italgraniti Group

Italgraniti Group Benefit Corporation

"Becoming a Benefit Corporation confirms an approach we have long adopted. The idea that doing business can also contribute to the well-being of people and the environment, finds new impetus in the change of company bylaws to generate fertile ground for new, concrete and measurable initiatives".

Elisa Giacobazzi
Italgraniti Group CEO

A responsible, sustainable and transparent world

The Group invested a total of 25 million € between 2019 and 2021. Eight million euros have been allocated to Industry 4.0 technologies, to actively contribute to building a more eco-sustainable future. This has reduced the environmental impact of the entire production process (-55% of particulate matter released into the atmosphere) and made the San Martino in Rio (RE) plant much more energy efficient. The environmental results for 2021 also show excellent recycling performance: 100% of process water recovered, 100% of waste material reintroduced into the production process and 99% of waste recycled. Data also show a significant reduction in consumption: water intake dropped by 17% and electricity consumption by 20%.

A 4.5 MW high-efficiency cogeneration plant was started up, along with a regenerative thermal after-burner, to avoid any risk of odour pollution.
ITALGRANITI GROUP's investment plan also includes the doubling of the production site with a resulting increase in production capacity and further reduction of environmental impact. 

The sustainability report not only recounts the most recent past, but also outlines a path of increasingly green development supported by a new way of doing business for the coming years: in 2021, the Group changed its company bylaws, becoming a Benefit Corporation.

According to Elisa Giacobazzi, CEO of ITALGRANITI GROUP, the choice of this virtuous and innovative legal form "confirms an approach we have adopted for some time. The idea that doing business can also contribute to the well-being of people and the environment, finds new impetus in the change of company bylaws to generate fertile ground for new, concrete and measurable initiatives".
This new corporate legal form also places common benefit among the aims of the Group: it means increasing the positive social impact on people and the environment by acting responsibly, sustainably and transparently towards customers, employees, suppliers and financiers, civil society, the environment and the territory, public administration and the voluntary sector.

Investment and a strong focus on the environment have made it possible to realise a sustainability strategy and provide a continuum to values, principles, and commitments that the Group has upheld for three generations.
We need more than ever regenerative change capable of involving corporate, institutions and citizens.
All players in social, political and economic life can and must make a difference by investing skills, energy and creativity.

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